Imagine the reaction of the local Ramindjeri when they saw these strange creatures sailing into their bay. They never got to meet them, but they must have wondered if this was an omen!
Find out how Matthew Flinders and Nicholas Baudin met, as they were travelling in opposite directions just off the mouth of the river Murray and then they taking anchor in the shelter between the Bluff and Granite Island. What a sight that would have been to see!

Incredible to think that even though England and France were at war these two explorers were more interested in raising a glass of wine and comparing findings and maps than raising their rifles. See how maybe after another glass of wine they decided that there was no point in changing the places they’d already named along their journey, hence why many places are French in origin, especially on Kangaroo Island and our very own peninsula the Fleurieu.
You will be impressed with the accuracy of the maps we have on display. Their ability to map the coastline not only of Australia, but South Australia with such detail and precision with only the stars and compasses and hand-made navigational tools to help them. Amazing! Read about Baudin, who was able to keep some of the samples he took alive and return them to museums in France! Come in and meet Trim, Flinders constant companion for four years. An amazing cat. Find out how he finally used up all his 9 lives.