Come in and visit our displays where we celebrate the first peoples of our area. The Ramindjeri people, a subgroup of the well-known Ngarrindjeri people of the river Murray. A quiet and idyllic life they had living in and around Wirramulla/ Victor Harbor.

Take a look at how they hunted and fished with tools fashioned from local products and gathered food around the bay and along the Inman and Hindmarsh rivers. Their lives guided by the seasons, but always plentiful supplies of food and water to be found.

See our collection of some of the original baskets that were woven by the Ramindjeri women using reeds gathered along the local river systems and then working them into baskets and other items needed in their daily lives. Quite incredible to see the workmanship and artistry up close.

Gain an insight into how the Ramindjeri lived being guided by their great spirit Ngurunderi and learn the local names for the icons of Victor Harbor. Find out about Kondoli the whale man and the formation of the Bluff and Granite Island in the local Dreaming Stories.